The Strategic Planning Committee meeting was a dramatic occasion in which there were very strong and competent speeches of opposition from campaigners and opposing councillors from various parties, the MP nearly got ejected for objecting to the biased summing-up of the assistant head of planning and it seemed like the councillors were every bit as dozy and docile as we had feared.

The 15-minute summing up by John Collis of Veolia ES Shropshire was, frankly, weak and lame and he came across as somewhat lazy and arrogant.A motion to refuse on health fears, visual amenity and departure from Waste Local Plan (in essence) was proposed by the very councillor who'd replaced one of those who were recently 'nobbled' by the Head of Legal Services on spurious grounds of 'predispostition'. A nice irony there!

The hectoring of the pro-incineration officers and their patronising language contrasted poorly with the clear, un-jargonistic and honest 3-minute 'vignettes' of those opposing. I can only congratulate all those who spoke because everyone did their bit.

So, the vote was unanimous, the Veolia suits were bloody but unbowed and will doubtless now be framing their appeal.

Anyway, for now, we are basking in our unexpected success.

Thanks to everyone who has visited this site and supported the campaign.

Round One has been won by common sense!

1 comment:

  1. YESSS!

    A victory for common sense over vested interest.
