The councillors will visit the Chineham incinerator on Monday 12th July. This is the trip when everything looks nice and shiny and quiet, no ash anywhere and free Veolia sandwiches are handed round.
If anyone is interested in visiting Chinehaml that day to see what the councillors see i.e. check on incinerator conditions, what the councillors get shown outside the complex i.e. what views of the incinerator etc. this would be useful Please let us know if you are interested; but bring your own sandwiches as I don't think that we're invited. As on our last Chineham trip there should be some local residents who will be happy to talk to us.
The planners will issue their report to the Committee on 9th July and it will be clear from this what they are recommending. We are ready to object to it if necessary and rebut any claims that we can.
Whatever the decision, it is certain not to be the end of the story as the application may be 'called in' to the Government Office of the West Midlands anyway. If it is refused, Veolia will appeal.
Safe Waste in Shropshire - contact details on the panel on the right of this page.
Members of Safe Waste in Shropshire viewing the Chineham incinerator in 2008. Note its immense size and ugly construction - and this is 'state of the art' - according to Veolia!
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